Vitahotellets Dimmornas Bro

Vitahotellets Dimmornas Bro
Black bitch born 1982. She won 3 CC's in Sweden, BIS at an official Gundog Show. 2 CC's, BOB and a Gundog Group in Finland. Owned by Toma Lepik (also pictured in the photo).




Astrawin Aparicio Brandy Butter of BroomleafButterprint of BroomleafSouthbank Bootbrush of Broomleaf
Buttercup of Broomleaf
Bronze Joy of BroomleafBroomleaf Grangehill Mark
Brioche of Broomleaf
GB SHCH Astrawin Arkadina Sunglint of SorbrookCornbow Manfred
Quettadene Bernadette
GB SHCH Astrawin AmusingGB SHCH Valjoker of Misbourne
Astrawin Artemis
Alacarte ServessGB SHCH NUCH Lochranza Farmer's BoyGB SHCH Bronze Knight of Broomleaf
Lochranza Dairymaid
Travis Soft ShoesINT SFNUCH Kavora Shoe Shine
Helenwood Yolanda
Travis April Folly INT SFNUCH Kavora Shoe ShineGB SHCH Lochranza Newsprint
Kavora Sweet Talk
NUCH Finnwin April FlameINT UCH Finnwin Gun-Fire
INT UCH Kenavon Joyous