Vitahotellets Mor Kom Över Mon

Vitahotellets Mor Kom Över Mon
This bitch has since her birth in 1988 given us a lot of pleasure. A super brood, health and temperament 100% plus. She was the first full-tailed Cocker Spaniel to be shown in Sweden ever. And she won her class at that particular show!




Dearnewood Strange Venture GB SHCH Dearnewood Star Venture GB SHCH Leabank Levity GB CH Scolys Starduster
GB SHCH Leabank Limerick
Scolys Silver Cygnet Scolys Bitcon Starmaker
GB SHCH Scolys Showpiece
Scolys Strange Love Scolys Bitcon Starmaker GB CH Scolys Starduster
GB SHCH Bitcon Blue Model
GB SHCH Scolys Showpiece GB SHCH Courtdale Flag Lieutenant
Scolys Silver Laughter
Quartermaster Reggae Rose SFUCH Astrawin Akvavit Kavora Copper King of Covana Kavora Sunflame
Kavora Sweet Cherry
GB SHCH Astrawin Arkadina Sunglint of Sorbrook
GB SHCH Astrawin Amusing
INT SFNUCH Quartermaster Marigold Astrawin Air Display Butterprint of Broomleaf
Astrawin Airsprite
SFUCH Leavenworth Mayflower INT NORDUCH Black Surprise of Broomleaf
INT NORDUCH Leavenworth Magic Shoes