Vitahotellets Karusell

Vitahotellets Karusell
Sally, red bitch born 2000 with one ticket and several placings as Best Bitch.




Kendalwood Cardinale Quettadene FootstepsGB SHCH Canigou CambraiGB SHCH Cleavehill Pot of Gold
Crankwood Miss Happy
Quettadene MelissaGB SHCH Perrytree The Dreamer
Quettadene Serena with Amberway
Kendalwood Copper Rose GB SHCH Canigou Wishing and HopingGB SHCH Quettadene Discretion
Crankwood Miss Happy
GB SHCH Kendalwood KinlacyGB SHCH Perrytree The Dreamer
Broomleaf Belle Noir at Kendalwood
Usemade Halifax Container Vitahotellets KaelNO UCH Pounikon SamuraiINT UCH NORD UCH Leavenworth Leading Issue
FI UCH INT UCH NO UCH Pounikon Soraya
Vitahotellets Mor Kom Över MonDearnewood Strange Venture
Quartermaster Reggae Rose
NO UCH SE U(U)CH Usemade Qualified for Show FI UCH INT UCH FI V-95 JWW-94 WW-95 WW-96
Northworth Madman's Return
GB SHCH NO UCH Spinneyhill Sadler
DK UCH FI UCH INT UCH EUW-93 Northworth Vulgar Taste
Yolanda's PurplehazeNO UCH SE V-89 Leavenworth It's a Pleasure
Yolanda's Just Splendid